If you choose to form a corporation...
CTP Business Services can do the following for you:
- Create your corporation in the Commonwealth of Virginia with the name of your choosing
- Provide your corporate by-laws
- Provide the organizational documents for approval by the Board of Directors and stockholders
- Assist you in making a subchapter-S income tax election, if appropriate
- Facilitate your annual renewal by preparing your annual report, minutes of annual meetings of directors and stockholders, and remitting the annual registration fee
If you choose to form a limited liability company ...
CTP Business Services can do the following for you:
- Organize your LLC in the Commonwealth of Virginia with the name of your choosing
- Provide your members' operating agreement
- Provide the organizational documents for approval by the members
- Assist you in making a subchapter-S income tax election, if appropriate
- Facilitate your annual renewal by preparing your minutes of annual meeting of members and remitting the annual registration fee